OA Spring Ordeal
The OA is offering the "Full Pass" option for current OA members again this year. The Full Pass includes your basic registration for Spring Ordeal, Summer Ordeal, and Winter Fellowship for 2025 as well as your OA Dues for 2025. Even if you are unable to attend an event, you will still receive your patch. A $30 savings over paying dues and registeration for each of these events individually. NO REFUNDS after payment. If you are going up for Brotherhood, there will be an additional fee for that.
If you are an ORDEAL CANDIDATE, select that category on the registration. Your fee will be $55 to cover the cost of the Ordeal Ceremony and activities for the weekend. 2025 dues are included in this price.
If you will be attending as a Ordeal Member, Brotherhood Member, or Vigil Member please selt the category that says, Ordeal, Brotherhood, or Vigil Member on the registration. Your fee will be $30 to attend. You will also need to make sure that your $20 dues are paid for 2025 which you can also do through the online registration.
If you are a BROTHERHOOD CANDIDATE, select that category on the registration. Your fee to attend will be $50 and covers the cost of the Brotherhood Ceremoney and the Weekend. You will need to make sure your 2025 dues are paid.
If you are and OA member who will be attending the Saturday night dinner only the fee will be $20. You will also need to make sure your 2025 dues are paid.
Spring Ordeal Camp T. L. James March 07, 2025 to March 09
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