Fall Cub O Ree
Cub Scout Superhero
Are you a Cub Scout Superhero??? Come to Cuboree and test your strength, accuracy, speed, wit, and partner with other Superheros!! Come learn the exciting activities, skills and traits it takes to make the perfect Superhero!! You will learn how to traverse an obstacle course, scale a wall, shoot a bow and arrow, hit your target with a sling shot and BB gun. Don't forget to wear your favorite Superhero costume to the closing campfire???
Fall Cub-O-Ree will be held at Camp Attakapas. The camp will be open to begin campsite set up on Friday, October 25th at 4:00 p.m. (NO EARLIER) Check in will begin Friday at 5:00 p.m. through 7:00 p.m. at the Trading Post. CAMPSITE DRIVE THROUGH WILL END AT SUNDOWN. For all participants' safety, you WILL NOT be allowed to drive through the campsite after dark. PLEASE PLAN ACCORDINGLY.
Saturday check in will begin at 8:00 a.m. and the opening ceremony will be at 8:30 a.m. (at the flagpole by the Dining Hall) with activities beginning at 9:00 a.m. T-shirts will be available for pick up at the Trading Post after the opening ceremony.
Please remember no open-toed shoes allowed at Camp. All families should familiarize themselves with the Guide to Safe Scouting and our Camp rules. Scouts must be accompanied by a parent at all times during camp.
The cost for the first Cub Scout is $50 (includes 1 t-shirt and 1 patch). Your 1 free shirt is selected under classes during your registration. In order to receive the t-shirt that comes with this registration, you must be registered and paid by Thursday, October 17th. Registration will then remain open through Thursday, October 24th but a t-shirt is not guaranteed after October 17th.
Each additional Cub Scout or participating sibling attending camp is just $10.00 and will include 1 patch per registered youth. Age guidelines for siblings will be equivalent to the rules for Scouts of that age. (For example, any siblings in Kindergarten will follow activity guidelines of our Lion cubs).
Additional t-shirts are $12.00, additional patches are $3.00 and can be purchase through Thursday, October 17th.
No food will be provided. Please plan accordingly. A small concession stand with snacks/drinks/and Scouting gear (and Cub Scout uniform items) will be available during the day on Saturday.