Baloo Training
What is Baloo: Baloo is the Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation, and it is designed to help prepare you to lead your Scouts in a fantastically fun, safe, pruposeful outdoor activity and overnight campingt. It is a requirement to have at least one BALOO trained adult leader on outdoor activities and overnight campouts. (this does not include council/district level activities).
BALOO Trainging is for all Adult Leaders. The Baloo training is needed for Packs to do Family Camping events. It is recommended that Packs have a least two adults that are Baloo trained.
What is IOLS: IOLS is the Introduction to Outdoor Leadership Skills, This training is required for all direct contact leaders (Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters) in Scouts BSA Troops to be considered a TRAINED LEADER. It is also great for Committee Chairs and troop members at it provides a better understanding of Scout BSA's outdoor programs.
Prerequisites: You will need to do pre-course work in (please use your existing registration number) for either IOLS or BALOO, need to have your position training (Scoutmaster, Assitant Scoutmaster, Cubmaster, Den Leader, or Committee Chair) and have current Youth Protection Training to earn your Coveted "Trained" patch. Go to to find Scoutmaster Specific and Youth Protection Training.
BALOO Online Portion:
This training will be held in person at Camp Attakapas. It is a great time for you to meet other Cub Scout and Troop Leaders!
This is an overnight camp out training, so please come prepared to camp out. Please let us know if you have any food allergies or special camping needs. The cost is $15. This covers meals and training supplies. Check in is @ 5:00 pm. and event will start at 6:00 p.m.on Friday, Septemer 27th and will end on Saturday, September 28th no later than 4:00 p.m.
Please see the attached document for more information.